View of the Nation River from the back of the Centre de l'Amour |
Our Services
The Centre de l'Amour is a Catholic, Non-Profit spiritual retreat.
The week-end retreat begins on:
- Friday at 7:00 PM until Sunday at 1:30 PM
- The cost, including room and meals is $125.00 for the weekend
To book and secure a place, you must call to confirm the dates selected, and send a check
for $25.00 on behalf of the Centre de l'Amour, which is (non-refundable.)
Please bring your towels and washcloths. The meal before the start of each weekend is not offered by the
Centre de l'Amour.
External participation: If some of the retreats do not require (reservations), you may attend.
You can also bring your lunch.
Food Allergies:
For those living with food intolerances please bring what you need. We provide you with an oven,
microwave, fridge and freezer.
Please Note:
For retreats marked (reservations), you must register in advance. No one else will be allowed during
these sessions.
Welcome to everyone! |
O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me, show me herein you are my Mother.
O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity
(Mention Your Request)
There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3 times)
O Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands.
(3 times)
Say this prayer for 3
consecutive days. |